Friday, January 20, 2012

Review! Saving June

Title: Saving June
Author: Hannah Harrington

Summary: Courtesy of Goodreads

‘If she’d waited less than two weeks, she’d be June who died in June. But I guess my sister didn’t consider that.’

Harper Scott’s older sister has always been the perfect one so when June takes her own life a week before her high school graduation, sixteen-year-old Harper is devastated. Everyone’s sorry, but no one can explain why.

When her divorcing parents decide to split her sister’s ashes into his-and-her urns, Harper takes matters into her own hands. She’ll steal the ashes and drive cross-country with her best friend, Laney, to the one place June always dreamed of going California.

Enter Jake Tolan. He’s a boy with a bad attitude, a classic-rock obsession and nothing in common with Harper’s sister. But Jake had a connection with June, and when he insists on joining them, Harper’s just desperate enough to let him. With his alternately charming and infuriating demeanour and his belief that music can see you through anything, he might be exactly what she needs.

Except June wasn’t the only one hiding something. Jake’s keeping a secret that has the power to turn Harper’s life upside down again. (

My Review

I must confess I haven't really had a fantastic read since Water For Elephants, but I just couldn't resist the premise of Saving June. I was immediately drawn into this family that was already divided, but now has been hit with the worst kind of tragedy: a daughter's suicide. Harper, by far one of my favorite names, is not your average teenager. She is quite mature for her age and that seems to be a problem as we realize that she hasn't really had a chance to grieve for her sister. Harper, along with her best friend, decide that June would want her ashes to be spread in California, a place that June always longed for but never made it to. Harper and Laney try to decide how they are going to get California and just like fate had another plan, this mysterious Jake Tolan comes in and appoints himself the roadtrip captain. Jake Tolan is a mysterious bad boy, but who doesn't love the bad boys? Jake is someone that I rooted for from the very beginning and as we find out he isn't without substance: he stands up for political beliefs, educates June and Laney on classic rock, and is willing to do just about anything for those he cares about. Just when we think that Jake does have a heart of gold, he reveals something to Harper that turns her world up side down again.

Why Do I Love It?

I loved the relationships that were the basis for the book. 

I loved Laney and Harper's connection and how they were there for each other even when things got super heavy. Laney is this self-proclaimed wild-child who has a heart of gold and has some issues with her parents: they give her free range and underneath her tough exterior, she longs for something more.

Jake and Harper. They are the classic bantering-but-will-eventually-fall-in-love type. I loved Jake from the beginning, even when he seemed kind of stalkerish just hanging around the wake, and even when he does the big reveal. His song to June was just all sorts of awesome!

It was a different kind of subject matter, but Harrington handled it beautifully. It had all the emotions and it felt that I was right there with Harper. It was just beautifully written and what else can I say, AWESOME!
I recommend this to everyone! (so yes, go and read it! and tell me what you thought!)

I give it an A+!

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